For informational purposes only.
Use of this website or accessing these services means voluntary agreement to all parts of this disclaimer. It is your responsibility to read this in its entirety.
For Educational and Informational Purposes Only.
The information provided via Flourishing Families is for educational and informational purposes only and is made available to you as self-help tools for your own use.
Not a Substitute for Medical or Mental Health Advice.
The information provided via Flourishing Families is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your own Medical Provider (including doctor/physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, or any other health professional), Mental Health Provider (including psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counselor, or social worker), registered dietitian or licensed nutritionist, or member of the clergy.
A coaching relationship is in no way to be interpreted as Psychotherapy, psychological counseling, or as any type of therapy. A coaching relationship is not a substitute for counseling or psychotherapy. Flourishing Families provides psychoeducational tools and coaching.
If you feel the need for professional counseling or therapy, it is your responsibility to seek a licensed professional to meet your needs.
Recommendations are offered in good faith and any decisions you make, and the consequences thereof, are your own. Under no circumstances can you hold Amanda Kaiser or Flourishing Families LLC liable for any actions that you take.