Tools for Growth
Resources for building a flourishing future or during difficult days.
Parenthood Discussions
Going into parenthood we all have certain expectations. We don’t always talk about them though, which usually leads to disappointment and frustration. Even though things will undoubtedly need to be adjusted once your baby arrives, discussing a plan for the future helps all parties feel more prepared, and gain insight into the expectations for self and partner.
Creating Consequences
After you have your expectations clearly stated and everyone understands them, it is time to decide what the consequences will be if they are not abided by. Knowing the consequence ahead of time ensures consistency in your role as parent, and helps everyone know what to expect if they break a boundary.
Setting and Enforcing Boundaries
Boundaries help children feel secure and safe. When boundaries are clear and known, it actually encourages children to explore their environment more.
Creating Expectations
Clearly stated expectations provide children with a sense of purpose, knowing what their role is. Children thrive when they know what is expected of them.
Responding to Big Emotions
We all experience big emotions and feel overwhelmed from time to time. When children feel this way, they sometimes react by “flipping their lid.” Let’s face it though—we have all probably seen this happen to adults too. So, let’s learn about this behavior, why it happens, and what you can do.
Recognizing Your Baby’s Cues
Wish your baby came with an instruction manual? Many parents do. Unfortunately, that wish hasn’t been granted. However, babies are able to communicate their needs and wants. We just have to tune in to recognize them.
Creating Routines With Your Baby
Predictable routines are important for both infants and their caregivers. In their first year of life there are many new and unpredictable events; routines provide consistency for your baby which increases their security and comfort. In fact, children of all ages thrive when there are predictable routines.
Conversations With Kids
Here’s some tips for having important conversations with your children.
(*hint, hint* All these tips can also be applied to conversations with your partner.)